The Friends
The Friends of St Mary's, Burham organise regular fund-raising events, with all proceeds going to pay for local repairs or contributing to costs borne by the CCT, such as roof repairs, maintenance contractor visits, etc.
Examples of locally funded repairs include roof damage from Storm Eustace in January 2023 (Friends paid £1250 towards £2500 of repairs), and electric wiring damage by a rodent along with improvements to lighting and electrical sockets (£9,500).
Regular events include: Annual Quiz Night, Afternoon Tea with Music, Jazz Night, Folk Music Night, Heritage Open Day History and Architecture Talk, Theatre Company Performances, Art Exhibitions, and the ever-popular and well-supported Carols by Candlelight - with the church lit entirely by dozens of candles, with singing of carols and Christmas songs, helped along by minces pies and mulled wine.
Friends visit the church before each event to sweep the floor and wash the pews. There is a small committee of activists which meets as needed. The Friends have their own bank account and are run in accordance with a formal constitution (see sub-page).